
Questions and answers on daily fee

Questions & Answers

  • Why am I charged a fee?

    If you are the primary user of a vehicle, for example a car, motor cycle or moped, but you do not have the statutory third party liability insurance you will be charged a daily fee payable to DFIM.


    It is stipulated in a new law that comes into force on 1 January 2019.


    The object of the law is to motivate the uninsured to become insured. Until that happens they must contribute to paying for the damage/injury caused to others in traffic through the fee.


  • My vehicle was stolen, why do I have to pay the fee?

    Vehicles that are stolen must still be insured. Even if you have reported your vehicle as stolen and/or you have cancelled your insurance, the plates may not always have been deregistered. You must therefore make sure to deregister the plates yourself in writing on the Danish Motor Vehicle Agency’s website.

    You will have to pay the fee up to and including the day your vehicle is deregistered at the Danish Motor Vehicle Agency. This also applies even if you have cancelled your insurance. To deregister your vehicle in writing, go to the Danish Motor Vehicle Agency’s website.

  • I’ve sold my vehicle – what do I do?

    If you sold your vehicle more than three weeks ago and the new owner has not yet reregistered it, you can deregister the vehicle in writing on the Danish Motor Vehicle Agency’s website. Remember to attach a valid bill of sale.

    Even if you have cancelled your insurance, the registration plates may not always have been deregistered. You must therefore make sure to deregister the plates yourself on the Danish Motor Vehicle Agency’s website.

  • How do I avoid the fee?
    • Take out liability insurance for your vehicle with an insurance company.
    • Deregister the vehicle at the Danish Motor Vehicle Agency (Motorstyrelsen). When the deregistration can be confirmed, you will no longer be subject to the daily fee. You will still, however, have to pay all outstanding fees to the Danish Motor Insurers’ Bureau (DFIM).
    • Contact the Danish Motor Vehicle Agency to ensure that the owner/user registrations for your vehicle are up to date.
  • How do I deregister my vehicle?

    You can deregister the vehicle at the Danish Motor Vehicle Agency (Motorstyrelsen). Read more at their homepage:


    For stolen or lost number plates:

    Mistede, stjålne og beskadigede nummerplader - Motorstyrelsen 


    New owner have not registered the vehicle:

    Afmeld køretøj og aflever nummerplader - Motorstyrelsen

  • My vehicle is broken and cannot be driven. Do I still need insurance?

    All motor vehicles must be insured. You must have insurance covering the vehicle even if it is not in use and cannot be driven.

  • I do not use my vehicle. Do I need insurance?

    All motor vehicles must be insured. You must have insurance covering the vehicle even if it is not in use and cannot be driven.

  • What happens if I do not pay the daily fee?

    If you do not pay the daily fee, you will receive notice of registration with RKI, after which your case will be submitted for judicial recovery. As a final recourse, DFIM is able to register a lien against your assets, such as your vehicle, pursuant to section 107(3) of the Danish Road Traffic Act regarding the right to secure collateral.


    As long as you have outstanding daily fees owed to DFIM, you will not be able to take out liability insurance with any insurance company.

  • I am insured, why do I have to pay the fee?

    If you believe that your vehicle is covered by liability insurance, you should get in touch with your insurance company so that they may rectify any misunderstandings.


    If you are in fact covered by insurance, we will delete the daily fee upon receiving confirmation from your insurance company. If your vehicle has not been covered by liability insurance, the fee must be paid. When all outstanding fees have been paid, you will be able to take out liability insurance.

  • How do I pay?

    Login using MitID. “Login” is at the top right-hand corner of the page. After logging in to your case, you will be offered the option to pay by card or MobilePay.

  • Can I select an instalment plan?

    Yes, “Login” offers the option of an instalment plan with DFIM for the outstanding daily fees, provided the following two conditions have been met:


    • The outstanding sum exceeds DKK 1,000
    • You are no longer registered as the owner or user of the vehicle in SKAT's Motorregister
  • I do not have MitID how do I log in?

    If you do not have access to MitID, you can contact DFIM by telephone at +45 41 91 90 69. We will then send you an access code (TastSelv code) via email. This code will enable you to log on to your case without using MitID.

    If the code needs to be sent to a third party, we require your consent. Once your consent has been received, we will send the access code to the email address provided.

  • I do not have MitID, how do I pay?

    If you do not have access to MitID, you can contact DFIM by telephone at +45 41 91 90 69. DFIM will then send you either a payment link via email or a payment request via MobilePay.

  • What is Fællesregisteret?

    Fællesregisteret is a database run by DFIM in which those who do not pay liability insurance premiums and daily fees are registered.

  • What does the fee involve?

    Under the fee scheme, a primary user who has not taken out statutory third party liability insurance must pay a daily fee applicable from the time at which the vehicle should have been insured.

  • Where does DFIM obtain information on whether or not a vehicle is insured?

    DFIM obtains information through The Danish Motor Vehicle Agency’s motor register - The Digital Motor Register (DMR) - which is SKAT’s IT system for insurance information on motor vehicles. All insurance companies in Denmark use DMR.

  • Why has the fee been introduced?

    When the law was adopted on 15 May 2018, there were approx. 50,000 vehicles without statutory third party liability insurance. The object of the law is to motivate owners of a vehicle to actually fulfil their obligations. This means that the primary user must take out statutory third party liability insurance required for their vehicle.

  • How do I file a complaint?

    • If you believe that your vehicle is covered by liability insurance and wish to file a complaint about being charged a daily fee, you should contact your insurance company.


    • If you wish to file a complaint regarding DFIM, this can be done via “Self-service” at the top right-hand corner. Filing a complaint will not have staying power on the charging of daily fees. If your complaint is not upheld, you can have your case tried at the courts.


    • If you wish to file a complaint about being registered in the General Register (Fællesregisteret), you have the right to complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency (Datatilsynet) regarding any incorrect or misleading information about you.


    We recommend that you first complain in writing to DFIM, which is the body responsible for the General Register, in order that DFIM may consider your complaint. DFIM’s decision can be appealed to the Danish Data Protection Agency, Borgergade 28, 5th floor, DK-1300 Copenhagen K.

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